Each one of you can help in his or her own way; planting a tree or cultivating the Earth is one option, but that which has even more profound effect is the way you look upon all things. Your thoughts towards living entities such as plants and trees is of the utmost importance.
Know that nature has a divine order that is more organised than human behaviour. It is in harmony with universal energy and follows the mathematical and geometrical patterns according to the laws of frequency and sound; nature responds intimately to its own inner sound and the ensuing harmonics of that sound.
The Phi spiral is a perfect example of frequency at work. If you could hear the melody or signature sound of a Nautilus shell, a tree, a fir cone, or almost everything in nature, you would hear the song of Universal Harmony.
It begins with the genetic signature of itself, this establishes the fundamental tone. From there, the harmonics evolve producing a pattern of growth which you have named Phi. But Phi is in itself the matrix for so many forms, and each is a fractal or holographic representation of the whole.
We refer to patterns within patterns that form one aspect or note of a bigger melody that reverberates throughout the Universe. Each different mathematical calculation gives its own pattern, and is one aspect of a greater whole.
Gratitude and appreciation for the miracle which is within you and outside of you in nature is one way to enrich and enhance the quality of resonance. Even when you perceive ‘garbage’, you can look upon the structure of everything and marvel at its tonal composition.
There is nothing which is good or bad, it is all part of all that is. Only you, by placing the energetic signature of judgement on any given thing will change your perception of it, and therefore your reality.
In truth, multilayered true reality is always right in front of you, but is shaped into your personal concepts by your judgement.
Everything IS, and in order to truly perceive that, do not overlay the energy it gives out with judgement, as this changes how it is perceived.
We would wish that you could truly see what is all around you; through the dimensions, as we do; but this ability will grow as you learn to erase the layers of illusion you create and begin to see everything as it actually is.
Everything that you desire to help others with, hinges on an ability that we all have; one that has applications in all dimensions, and that is to really see.
To bring the personal vibrations to a still point where all thoughts are void and all feelings are open to receive. As we have said before, when you quiet the logical reasoning and allow anything to be possible, then all of that which is truly miraculous becomes apparent; and in truth, this is all encompassing.
Everything from an empty can or a microchip, to a piece of paper or passion fruit flower holds the same energy of all, and awe, within it.
All of creation is filled with the energy of the Creator Source, and when you all begin to resonate with it, your perception of the world will alter and you all will begin to see where you really are.
And this in turn affects all levels of living and being, like dominoes falling over.
Some of you on Earth call this ‘Ascension’, and indeed, you will be ascending from one perception of reality to another.
It is not about ‘going to heaven’ and yet it is; because that which is truly all around you could be called Heaven, when perceived through unclouded eyes and felt with non-judgemental emotions.
Cool web site, I had not come across newsfromandromeda.blogspot.com previously in my searches!
Carry on the excellent work!
Thank you both for your kind comments :o) New Stuff coming soon....Ann and I have been hard at work connecting to our inter galactic neighbours again. Watch this space!
Hi Jules,
If you want to use some of the information,maybe you can let me know where your website is and how you want to use my information?
Warmest wishes
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