Sunday, 10 February 2008

‘To be in the world but not of it’.+How do we deal with destructive behavior?

‘To be in the world but not of it’.

This statement illustrates the separation of light and dark, of higher vibrations and lower ones. It is a statement which shows us those who are ‘in the world’ resonating as you all do now on Earth. But to be ‘in the world but not of it’ means to be there on Earth and to be living at a vibrationary rate and level that allows open vision of what is truly there.

We speak of this particular level only as a start—there are many more dimensions beyond, but those will be revealed as you grow and learn even more.

But we ask you to take one step at a time and master each one before taking on a new task, and this is a good indication for all – not just for you. You cannot lay a brick down upon another until the first is laid and solidly in place.

So as a synopsis; all of you could learn to communicate with us for further help and instruction; from that basis, you can teach others. The steps we have spoken about will naturally bring a peacefulness to all who experience it. You can best teach by example, and so begin with the self.

You asked us how we deal with destructive behavior. We answer:

We do not deal with it. Whoever chooses destructive behavior has made that choice. We can only illustrate by example, how beautiful non-destructive behavior is. In this endeavour, we hope and expect that whomever we touch will be attracted to who we are and how we feel, and will want that for themselves.

Thus—it is like two tuning forks. If we resonate the way we are loudly and clearly in places where destructive behavior is strong, our aim is that those who are in destructive patterns, (who are like the other tuning fork) will pay attention to our vibrations. This stops the flow frequency from the negative behavior, and if held for long enough, our frequency will begin to resonate in them, and the old pattern of energy will not resonate any more.

You have a story in your Bible about Jesus: speaking about when he walked amongst the crowds and people were healed. The people there paid attention, and allowed his vibrations to change theirs. Once they were resonating at his frequency – they were healed of all imbalances, no matter what they were.

So it is that we hope our presence will allow those with destructive behavior to change of their own free will. All that is required, is that you pay attention to anything other than that which you are focused on normally (which perpetrates destruction). If you change focus, destruction is no longer possible – just as if you change judgement to non-judgement your perception of your world will change also.

This stage one, and as far as we can take you in this area.

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