Now the Andromedan female ‘Mir’, is nudging me to focus my attention on the middle of my body, which is where my waistline would be, in between my naval and solar plexus. She's talking about things which are in deep, and I'm drawing back from the conversation and looking at that area of the body, and the words she is saying are ‘ in depth’.
So, I'll just check and see what she means by this. Aha! Right, I understand.
Mir: We have spoken in the past about the brain and the mind; we have spoken about the heart area, and now I want to go to the area here, around the naval, the middle of the body, and speak to you about its connections to the Earth and family.
She is saying that this is also an important point in the body, because this is the area where we store all things, such as emotions, and earthly things that keep us anchored to everything that is here. This is interesting because we were just talking earlier about me and my possessions, and my need to sort through and get rid of all the excessive ‘stuff’ I have collected over time.
I find it fascinating to compare to you,
Mir: All the things that you humans fight about and get stressed with are all those things pertaining to the ‘I’, or the self; the ‘I’ you recognize as who you are when you look in the mirror.
And the ‘I’ that you recognize in Earth terms needs identification; needs an identity which is apart from who we are in the outside world; that being maybe someone’s boss or a garage owner or a bus conductor.
But the ‘I’ within the personal world need mirrors within the things that are around it to reflect the self back to you. Now when I say mirrors, I don't mean the real mirrors that you look in to brush your hair. I mean, when
Mir: The same applies with music, and the musical instruments that you love, and so on. It's because part of you would have loved to have been a musician on a grander scale, rather than on a small scale. All these things are mirrors that reflect back to you, and are like cushions around you; they support you in maintaining your sense of identity, reminding you who you are and where you fit into society.
And they resonate not necessarily in the mind, but that is where they might end up; they resonate here at the waistline in between the bottom of the stomach and the naval, simply because this is your anchor pin to your credibility on earth. I suppose you could call it the solar plexus, but it is a bit lower than that.
This is also where you store your images of how you think other people see you, and how that matches to the self image you have created inside.
Mir: This is commonly why, when you are upset, the feeling in the ‘stomach’ and the digestion is very acute, and sometimes you can feel very sick, and you need to go to the bathroom or toilet. This happens when something upsets you on a very personal, ‘who am I’ level.
And if we are to be detached from this storehouse of imagined perception of the self, then we need to pull the plug (as it were) and lose our sense of identity. This is a step towards not being one thing, but being all things.
When I say, ‘lose your sense of identity’ that, in human terms, comes across as very scary or frightening; because unless you know who you are, things can get difficult in the world. Do not mistake what I say for lack of self esteem, self worth or identity.
I want you to look at this in a finer way and say to yourself; it is a transition from self imposed limits to unlimitedness. First you let go of your concepts of who you think you are, and this for
So, instead of wanting to have been a doctor, or wanting to have been a ‘qualified’ artist with a degree, or a botanist or chemist (and I know
For example, the concept that you must have a whole bucketful of qualifications and study in order to be someone. You can step out of that into the knowing that we are all botanists, chemists and artists and that we are all part of everything.
Take off the labels, cover up those mirrors that give you back earthly conceptual reflections, and then allow a more universal ‘dome’ over the top of you to be the thing that reflects back to you which is: you are nothing but you are also all things.
And when I say nothing, I do not mean inconsequential, I mean, you are without Earthly identification, a slot.
Come out of your BOX, the slot that you put yourself in, and become MORE.
As I have said before, this is a step towards loosening up the energy in this area that keeps you very much anchored to concepts and possessions.
If you can step into the ‘I am nothing’ (and that doesn't mean you don't amount to anything, it does not have earth connotations; rather it means I am identity free); after having experienced that place, you will find that your life path is leading you towards stepping into a place of ‘I am all things’.
For example, it's like having total amnesia. If you had total amnesia and didn't know that you could play the piano, or didn't know that you could create beautiful films, not only would you rediscover what you can do, you would also re-discover what you don't know you can do now.
This area of the body that we speak about obviously connects directly to the brain. It contains the way we think and view the world, the seeing of colours; everything that relates to the inner self, in fact. It is a genetically inherent tendency that you learn who you are from reflected outside sources right from the beginning of your life, even including whether you are male or female.
This is very interesting; as an answer, she has just come up with another concept from me to look at.
She is showing me a visual of myself with a blindfold on and saying:
Mir: Imagine if you were blind and had no concept of what you looked like, and you could not see what it was you were eating when it was in front of you. Every sensation, smell and taste would be different, and your analysis of what was happening around you would be coming from a different place too.
It wouldn’t be coming from here in the stomach area, it would be coming from your finer senses, such as your subtle sense of smell and your heart feeling. You would ask yourself, how does it feel? Do I feel good today? You would not say ‘do I look good? Let's look in the mirror. You would say, ‘Do I feel good and do I feel comfortable? What do I really want?
If you are not using your sight to identify things such as cake, biscuits or pork chops, pink cardigans, or shiny shoes….. which are all about ‘how do I look to others’ and what do I think I want….. Then it comes down to how do I feel about myself and what do I feel I need to eat?
If it were a pair of shoes the difference would be not, ‘are these the latest fashion’, but ‘do these feel comfortable and kind to my feet’? Do they feel like they belong to me? When it comes to food you would be very much more in touch with your body. You would ask internally, does my body need or want something sweet, something with vitamin C in it, or something with protein?
If you referred to your feelings within all these areas…. not just sight and smell, but also taste and hearing and touch, all things which are truly what you need or want would be much more easily accessible.
I allowed myself to be distracted just then by a noise outside and I opened my eyes, and it was like pulling the plug out of my connection to her. To be truthful, I think she (Mir) has done this purposely; because if I was in a ‘reading’ with someone I can do that easily… I can open my eyes, close them again and go back to where I was in the reading.
It’s usually not a problem for me, which is why I did it just then. But maybe she has given me this as an example of pulling the plug out or pulling the connection out to accessing so much more with their eyes closed.
Of course we need to be able to do it with our eyes open eventually, but that whole flow of information from her is gone now, once I became occupied with the distraction outside.
I see it now; it's almost like when you are distracted by things around you, that is when you are blind. That’s when you can't see, when your eyes are open, because of all the visual distractions, and because you are turning off your sensory perception in order to allow visual input. When you visually take in so many frames per second, all that data diverts you away from what you should be sensing.
This has all happened at exactly 7 o’clock on the 7th July 2007 and I wonder if there is any significance in that, or whether there is some kind of planetary thing going on! I do find it phenomenal that my connection was closed so abruptly in the middle of receiving messages from Mir; and when I looked at my watch, it was exactly 7 o'clock. So I can only guess at the meaning, but as a lesson, it did make an impact! Very spooky!!
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