The Fabric of the Universe is like my Mothers Knitting. :0)
From The Andromedans through Elaine,.... to all of you out there.
I see 4 strands of energy being twisted together like rope, and the Sirian Being says, let it sit there until you understand.
Just one strand becomes many and all are woven into a bigger thing—like knitting. The 4 chemicals (plus 2 more?) make human DNA, and can be woven into many forms. It can be knotted (like knitting) where it holds tight, but can be unraveled if you wish. Just one knot at each end can hold it all, but even that can be undone.
Wormholes are like knitting—strands of energy, twisted around to form a vortex through which energy or matter can pass. Wormholes are the macrocosm of the microcosm which is DNA.
The answer to ‘what is the Universe?’, is:
One Line……one line of energy can be formed into any geometrical or other shape. It forms everything, and the line never ends or begins—it is a constant flow of energy with forms inside it, like knitting (different stitches and patterns in a garment).
So every ‘thing’ is just another ‘stitch’ in the garment of the Universe. Even though you think you are separate, you are all knots and patterns made of the same ‘string’ or line of energy.
It is the most complex and beautiful ‘thing’ in existence. In fact, it is all that is—and it never ends.
So we are all made out of the same strand of energy, we are just different patterns.
Even though you walk around freely and planets orbit their suns, they are not disconnected—they are all one part of the strand that makes the garment which is the universe. It goes beyond that too, and back on itself, like the open ‘sock’ principle—it turns itself inside out and back again in a never ending torus.
Because the energy is so tightly woven in places, it bounces off of itself and creates more complex forms. This is how chemicals/elements are made. It is self perpetual and ever growing, so when it snakes around itself, and some parts touch, new combinations are made. This is how your periodic table of gases and elements formed.
It is how new mixed race children are created— when one thing touches something new, a new thing is created that was not there before. This is how new species are created, as combinations of previously un-met parts of the strand.
When new behaviours are learned, that is a new strand of knowing. For example, when the strand mixes in the animal kingdom, you call it evolution. It is just the weave and flow of the energy creating new combinations.
When we create something new, it’s like adding another stitch to the fabric of the Universe. When something becomes extinct, it’s like a stitch was undone, or unraveled. The potential to‘re-knit’ is there, (and also to re-knit in another form) but it will never be the same unless you salvage the DNA from the exact place in the energy line before it is ‘undone’. This is like taking a holographic photograph of something and then reproducing it completely from the pixels of the holographic image. It has to be there in 3D, including the energetic pattern, for it to be re-created exactly the same.
People are like stitches that unravel and reform with each new lifetime. The energy strand is still there (the soul), but it reforms into something new, still carrying the energy of the old (past life memory).
Where disaster strikes and things are swept away, as with a tsunami, flood or earthquake, it is the same as a group of stitches coming undone, allowing new forms to be spun from the human and geographical energy. It will reform but never be the same.
Cities can become like big knots of tangled strand. When the strand is too tangled, its energy doesn’t flow well so decay and lack of energy of light and movement occur. This is why cities can be difficult places to live in, because much old energy is held there, without much scope for undoing and‘re-knitting’ into something better.
As the energy strand is alive, and flowing with potential and consciousness, it fares better in a place of constant flow and change. This is why humans find it hard to change. They don’t like to feel unravelled and free flowing.
But only living this way, can you ‘bump into’ another potential, and reform into something new and as yet unformed.
To change is to undo your ties (your stitch) and become a new part of the garment, remembering all the time that every part of the garment is the same ‘one line’, just different shaped stitches and patterns.
When a nuclear explosion or any act of destruction occurs, it cannot be undone, and it rips a hole in the fabric of the universe. Then the edges of that hole start to unravel (compare this in humans to the knock on effects of disaster, which is suffering, grief and trauma). Once the energy of the ‘line’ is changed in this way, it leaves a still point or void into which anti-matter rushes. It takes many eons to recreate the original energy of the line. This is why destruction is different to extinction. Some things alter the energy so much that it cannot be used to create again.
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