Friday, 30 March 2007

Info on The 12th Planet

Hawaii Tuesday 7th June 05

Seeing the new being from the 12th planet, and asking:

Q: Are you really from the 12th planet?

A: We are located there at the moment, but in reality we come in on a higher dimension than the one which is the visible dimension on this planet.

Q: I fear that the underlying messages being broadcast at the moment are that we most likely will die, or it will seem like that. Can you explain? I am confused.

A: The next 10 years on this planet will be turbulent, with many cataclysmic weather changes and events occurring. However, you will not die, per-se….but you will live in a different way to that which you have done before.

Q: What kind of way? Can you explain?

A: More peace—more connectedness, more knowing and insight. It will be a part of your ‘job’ to tell others of how it is. Your plans will come to fruition.

Q: What of the world?

A: We show you the planet Earth from a distance with its dramatic climate changes and as advancing sense of comradeship spreading throughout the people. Drama and loss will bring you all together, and we blanket the earth with the new vibration to collectively activate the care and love you have for each other. Call it genetic manipulation if you wish, but we prefer to see it as enhancing the love and diminishing the hate and discord amongst men on earth. To this end, it coincides with the need to be more like brothers in order to deal with the events on earth. It will be spread over time, but it will not be lingering and difficult as it has been in the past. Previously, the few struggled to be heard by the many. From now the tide will turn, and the many will influence the few for the good of mankind and the salvation of life.

Continue to spread your news in your own way. You form two hands linked in a chain that will cover the earth and the light will prevail. We now actively interfere with the folly of men to halt destruction. You will have enough to deal with from your earth, without mankind adding to the situation.

Andromedan Female says: We will guide you to write a manual of survival (mental and physical ) for the coming 100 years. Technology has been having its day—it is time for the power of the mind to make itself known.

Q: Can you show me?

A: Yes we will show you.

(She then took me home to my family to heal them and put the energy in)…………..end.

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